Invitation to Bid for Siding and Gutter Replacement at Westbay Community Action
Westbay Community Action is inviting sealed bids for the replacement of siding and gutters at its Administrative Offices located at 216-226 Buttonwoods Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886. A mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the same address. During this conference, project specifications and bid package requirements will be provided.
Bids must be submitted to 224 Buttonwoods Avenue, Warwick, RI, by 10:00 AM on Tuesday, November 21, 2024, when they will be publicly opened. All bids must be sealed and properly labeled; emailed, faxed, or unsealed bids will not be accepted. Bids should be clearly labeled as follows: “Westbay Community Action Administration Office, 224 Buttonwoods Avenue, Warwick, RI 02886 – Westbay Community Action Administrative Offices Construction Bid.”
This project is federally funded, and contractors, as well as subcontractors, are required to comply with various HUD contract provisions, including 2 CFR 200, Build America Buy America (“BABA”), the Davis-Bacon Act, Non-Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Section 3 requirements, the Anti-Kickback Act, Registration, and federal Occupational Safety and Health regulations as outlined in the Contract Bid Documents.
Westbay Community Action is an equal opportunity employer and encourages businesses owned by women and minorities to apply. The contract will be awarded to the qualified bidder who submits the lowest evaluated or responsive bid that complies with the bidding conditions and documents, provided that accepting the bid is in Westbay Community Action's best interest. The Housing Development Manager will notify the selected bidder. Westbay Community Action reserves the right to reject all bids and waive any informalities in the received bids whenever it serves the organization’s best interest.
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